
December 8, Int. Dignified Menstruation Day

7th International Dignified Menstruation Day: Learning Conference 2025

7th International Dignified Menstruation Day

Learning Conference on Dignified Menstruation

Call for Conference-2025

Banner Theme:  “Dignified Menstruation: Reclaim Inherent Dignity, Equity and Inalienable Rights”

Date: 8-10 December, 2025 

Venue: Kathmandu, Nepal


The Global South Coalition for Dignified Menstruation (GSCDM) is a global network, officially founded in 2019 as an initiative of a Nepal-based NGO called Radha Paudel Foundation (RPF) in order to change the narratives around menstruation. Dignified Menstruation is an innovative, holistic, decolonized approach to changing the landscape of gender-based violence (GBV), human rights, and feminism. 

Since the beginning, it also initiated an International Day for Dignified Menstruation on 8th December to establish the facts of menstrual discrimination as a form of GBV and violation of human rights. In 2020, a three-day hybrid international workshop ended with a declaration of 12 points. 

In this vein, despite all challenges, including the US administration, wars, climate crisis, and squeezed spaces for civil society, GSCDM is planned to review, reflect, and navigate the journey of dignified menstruation. Therefore, GSCDM calls for a global community from all sectors to join and treasure it.  

Rationale and Objectives:

The journey of dignified menstruation has been evolving as a new theory from the Global South, emerging from pain, struggle, and exclusion. It is an area of interest for all actors, particularly those extensively engaged in feminism, human rights, climate justice, SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights), and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) .

Till now, dignified menstruation has entered the encyclopedia, changed the landscape of policies and media, contributed to books and book chapters in multiple languages, and hosted national and global trainings, webinars, and research, as well as presentations and submissions of reports in CSWs, UN GR 41, etc. Likewise, many donors, NGOs, private sectors, and academic institutions have started to replicate its principles and values in their respective areas.

Thus, this is a high time to gather activists, experts, researchers, media, donors, corporates, and  the UN, etc. from all sectors, including menstruators with disabilities, LGBTQIA++, and everyone, to rejoice in human existence, cherish our achievements, and reframe the future movement of dignified menstruation.

The Three-Day conference aims to bring together all interested individuals, organizations, and networks to shape the journey of dignified menstruation for dismantling systemic inequalities and patriarchy, which are deeply embedded in menstrual discrimination. Additionally, this event will celebrate the 7th International Dignified Menstruation Day.

Note*: (No political and religious promotion) 

Key Themes:

GSCDM proposes the following key themes but not limited to:

Broader Theme 1: Social, Cultural, and Political Dimensions of Menstruation Discrimination

  • Diversity of Menstrual Discrimination, Redefining the Narrative on Menstruation
  • Engagement of Non-Menstruators, Including Boys, Men, and Faith Healers
  • Examination of the Menstrual Movement and Dignified Menstruation
  • Socialization of Menstruation, Including Education and Sports

Broader Theme 2: Dignified Menstruation within Human Rights-Based & Social Justice & SRHR Frameworks

  • Space for Menstruation in the Discourse of Human Rights, GBV, and Feminism
  • SRHR, CSE, HIV, Child Marriage, and Dignified Menstruation
  • Peace, Meditation, Yoga, and SDGs

Broader Theme 3: Menstrual Dignity Across the Lifespan

  • Menopause and Menstrual Health Issues, Including Cancers
  • Menstrual Products: Management, Disposal and  WASH

Broader Theme 4: Menstrual Discriminatory perception and practices in Complex Humanitarian Settings

  • Association of Menstrual Discrimination with the Climate Crisis, Environment, Pandemic, and Humanitarian Settings

Broader Theme 5: Technology, Innovation & Economic Mobility with Menstrual Dignity

  • Entrepreneurship, Livelihood, Agriculture, and Dignified Menstruation
  • AI, Social Media, Media, and Dignified Menstruation

Key highlights:

  • Arts, Exhibition, Poster Presentation, and Theater Performance
  • Parallel Sessions
  • Plenary Sessions
  • Networking Reception


The learning conference will be led by the Global South Coalition for Dignified Menstruation (GSCDM)/Radha Paudel Foundation (RPF)/ Dignified Menstruation Inc. 501(c)(3). Correspondingly, the conference will be co-organized by the National Youth Council of Nepal and Men Engage Alliance (Global). 

Early Bird Registration:

  • Nepali Citizen: NRS. 15,000/- (includes learning materials, Lunch coupon, Tote Bag, and Hi-Tea)
  • Global South: 100$ (includes learning materials, Lunch coupon, Tote Bag, Hi - tea, and accommodation for 3 nights )
  • Others: 200$ (includes learning materials, Lunch coupon, Tote Bag, and Hi-Tea)


Important dates

  • March 17, 2025: Announcement
  • June 15, 2025: Registration and  Abstract Submission 
  • July 31, 2025: Notification to Selected Applicants 
  • November 25, 2025: Press Release December 7, 2025
  • December 7, 2025: Arrival at Kathmandu, Nepal
  • December 8-10, 2025: Learning Conference (Venue -TBD)