Capacity Building
Training of Trainer (TOT) on Dignified Menstruation
Menstruation is an inevitable biological process that more than half of the population has experienced since the time of Homo sapiens. Historically, since the time of Aristotle, menstrual blood has been considered something different, dirty, impure, or a state of weakness, and so on. Globally, the scope of menstruation is confined within the medical and business spheres. As a result, numerous perceptions and practices have been formed and reformed with justifications globally. Most of these practices are discriminatory, though they vary from place to place and are fluid.
Global South Coalition for Dignified Menstruation (GSCDM) defines menstrual discrimination as an umbrella term that includes taboos, stigma, shyness, abuse, violence, and deprivation of resources and services associated with menstruation throughout the life cycle of menstruators (those born with a uterus and ovaries, including girls, women, trans men, and queer individuals). It is a very complex and multifaceted issue. It has been practiced across the globe under different names, forms, and magnitudes.
More importantly, it constructs and shapes power dynamics and patriarchy. It is a form of gender-based violence and a violation of human rights. In the over 75-year history of human rights (since 1948), the 44-year history of CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women), the 29-year history of SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights), the 8-year history of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), and the 30-year history of work on SGBV (Sexual and Gender-Based Violence), menstrual discrimination has merely been considered an issue to debunk.
In this context, GSCDM also defines dignified menstruation (DM) as an innovative and holistic approach to addressing all forms of menstrual discrimination, taking a life-cycle approach rather than focusing solely on managing five days of bleeding. Therefore, DM is an approach beyond hygiene, menstrual products, or infrastructure; it is essential for achieving overarching gender equality.
Training of Trainer on Dignified Menstruation (ToT)
In order to address the above concern, Radha Paudel Foundation/GSCDM is organizing the 5 days Training of Trainers (ToT) on Dignified Menstruation aims to build the capacity of the key stakeholders who can act as catalysts for the transformation in the communities, organizations and networks.
What: ToT on Dignified Menstruation
When: March 10-15, 2025
Where: Sauraha, Chitwan
Training Fee: NRs. 20,000/- per person
Seat Available: 25
The ToT equips the participants with the knowledge, skills and tools to advocate for and implement strategies promoting Dignified Menstruation.
- To enhance the capacity of the stakeholders on Dignified Menstruation for cascading the knowledge to grassroot communities, schools, workplace and other stakeholders.
- To strengthen the ability of the stakeholders to challenge stigma, taboos and myths associated with menstruation.
- To foster the Dignified Menstruation Campaign Nepal through collective actions on Dignified Menstruation.