Founder Message
Founder Message 2024

Dr. Radha Paudel
Nurse, Author, Activist and Founder for Global South for Dignified Menstruation Meet The FounderDear Dignified Menstruation Lovers, Advocates, and Everyone,
First, I congratulate each of you for successfully accomplished the 6th International Dignified Menstruation day, 8th December 2024. On behalf of GSCDM, please accept my heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude for your unwavering support. GSCDM received the support and solidarity from all around the world as an increasing trend. Academia, NGOs, donors, and UN agencies have started to acknowledge the urgency of Dignified Menstruation in every walks of life. The Men Engage Alliance is been with GSCDM for 2020 and 2024 as co-organizer, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, and Seti Foundation, USA with GSCDM since 2022. For 2024, GSCDM has new organizations are ina board like Agence Française de Développement (AFD, which is funder for Sang Pour sang Consortium partners; FOS Feminista, Equipop, PSI Europe, GSCDM), Women Economic Empowerment Africa (WEEAfrica), Ethiopia, Freedom and Roam Uganda, Harvard University, Hope and Health Hygiene, USA, The Colombo Plan, UNwomen HQ, UNDP Nepal, and WWF Nepal.
Meanwhile, GSCDM has been facing challenges, and pushbacks as always. Few organizations and individuals denied the idea of Dignified Menstruation and few others withdrew their speaking engagement and collaboration at the last moments which was confirmed months ago. It was very interesting to learn that Plan International Nepal was a co-organizer for 2023, disappeared even not available for review of the collaboration since December 8, 2023.
As we shared at events (Kathmandu, Nepal and Harvard, Boston, USA) and everywhere through member organizations and social media, SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights) discourse is yet to acknowledge the Dignified Menstruation as an entry point and climate justice within SRHR spectrum. GSCDM will continue its voice to recognize the facts no matter how much challenges it needs to face.
On this note, GSCDM appeals to each of you who believes in the urgency of dialogue on Dignified Menstruation to join hands and amplify the voice around it. For 2025, GSCDM plans to review its journey from 2019 to 2025 therefore each of your contributions would be valuable and remarkable.
Together let's change the narrative around Menstruation, and embark on the journey of Dignified Menstruation for human rights, sustainability, and equal and just society.
In love, Peace and Solidarity
Radha Paudel, PhD