

Menstrual Practice in Asia

In general, saying, Asia is big by geography and population of course. It is diverse in culture, language, religion and so many other social issues. Regards to menstruation, there is no documentation. It could be due to deep silence around menstruation at the name of culture of religion. However, menstrual information from Asia explored through the google searching by using few vocabularies like menstrual taboo, Menstrual practice, Menstrual Health Management. The following points explored:

1) Since the 2014, organizations started to do publicly around menstruation specially focus on menstrual hygiene, products.

2) The organizations who are already working WASH sectors, they started to work on menstrual hygiene as additional element of hygiene. It created the space for menstruation to break the silence at least.

3) The diverse aspects of menstruation yet to explore through research, awareness and advocacy. The hygiene is important but not address all impacts of menstrual practice at the life of girls, women, transmen, queer during menstruation.

4) The donors as well as implementing partners are yet to recognize the essence of menstruation within peace, human right, empowerment, sexual and reproductive rights and SDGs.

5) The ground realities are yet to explore including pay respect the local leaders, researchers and activism instead of work on assumption.

6) The concept of Dignified Menstruation is hugely missing even missed the connection with current activities.

7) The below table is extracted (directly copied from web) from the google, simply try to share here as mirror. In few countries, there were formal studies in small scale and most of the countries do not have studies. It was very difficult to find the direct and clear info on menstruation e.g. Armenia. Thus, try to put the other info related to gender equality and women’s status by putting under remarks.